Tuesday 26 May 2009

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow....

How the days run away from me.. this seems to be what happens when one gets older
Time passes like the days being torn of a paper calendar; I saw that in a film once.

Anyway, I've finally finished spinning a second bobbin of singles on my lovely new Bee. She is absolutely wonderful to spin on.. so smooth and easy to treadle.
Tomorrow I'll attempt plying!

I've been doing more knitting than spinning recently.. socks for my OH; a little cardigan for my newest grand-daughter; another addictive mystery shawl.

I've managed to acquire two new sock books too... no idea how that happened but I can thoroughly recommend "Socks from the Toe up" by Wendy Johnson and "Sock Innovation" by Cookie A (I might even be tempted to knit some socks from the cuff down, her patterns are so wonderful)

Friday 15 May 2009

My Bee is here.

My Bee arrived today... more about it tomorrow.

Monday 30 March 2009

Saturday 21 March 2009

Back to basics....

I have returned to spinning my shortdraw style.. not sure exactly what it is but I know that it does give me a semblance of control over the finished yarn.
And how could I resist starting with this beautiful BFL roving from WoolForBrains, called "I dream of Spring"
I did find the spinning much easier and so I've decided to leave the longdraw for another time when I'm more used to the double-drive.

The pictures (taken on my phone) are quite different colourwise and neither as green and springlike as real-life.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Spinning.... sigh..................

I'm just finding it a bit frustrating at the moment.
I can't work out if it's because I've installed the double-drive or because I'm trying to spin longdraw from rolags.
I think I should just go back to my old spinning style (all of two months old) and get used to the double drive.
I went to a guild meeting the weekend before last and had a go on a Lendrum wheel; it was lovely... so smooth to treadle and the scotch tension seemed much easier to control. Maybe I made a mistake wanting double-drive; I did think it would give me a more consistent yarn but all I seem to get is a much twistier one......

Sunday 1 March 2009

My Ashford Traveller

This is my first wheel... meant to be my only wheel but we'll see.
I decided to buy this one after trying one at the spinning weekend I went on at the end of January. The one I tried was a double drive with a Woolee Winder (which I would love to buy sometime)
I bought my wheel unfinished and used a medium oak coloured Danish oil to protect the wood.
I've now just finished putting the same treatment on the double-drive unit for the wheel and I'm planning to install it sometime today. I'm not sure how this is going to work out at all as all my spinning on this wheel has been done using single drive Scotch tension
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